(dates are approximate)


Practice times will be released up until Nov 10th

NOV 1st

Practice times released until Dec 15

DEC 15Th

The remainder of the season will be scheduled.

All allocated hours will be fulfilled


Teams moving on to regionals will be allocated reserved times.


NEW IN 2024: One scrimmage time per team for the months of November and December will be dispersed at the beginning of the season to better help managers set scrimmages.


Definition RED ice:

These are practice times before school (6am and 7:15 am) and practice times starting late (after 8:30pm).

All RED ice will be evenly distributed between Spartans & Warriors.

Giving up RED ice does not constitute less allocated hours and the only way it may be replaced is via trade.


DARK ice times are practice times on holidays (incl. the Super Bowl) or non-school days. These are times found that the rink would otherwise be dark. After all team hours have been allocated in December, DARK ice hours may be picked up by your team and are considered "bonus" hours.


  • Warriors and Spartans will be allocated the same number of practice hours at each level. Warrior girls MAY NOT have as many hours as Mound boys.
  • Allocated hours per team will be provided by December 15th for the entire season. At this time, if OYHA cannot provide enough ice to meet the original budgeted hours of ice for your team, team managers may locate ice on their own and ask for a reimbursement from OYHA. This needs to be approved prior to making the ice purchase.
  • At no time if teams give up ice after it is published to them will they receive an adjustment to their balance. The ice must be traded or lost.


  • If you can’t use the scheduled ice time because of a conflict, it is your responsibility to either trade with another team or donate the ice to another team.
  • Ice times can only be traded with, or donated to, other OYHA teams. The process for updating the schedule on SportsEngine is detailed in the Manager Handbook. The process to check for available ice time, or ice time available for trade, is also detailed in the Manager Handbook.  
  • Please note that the ice scheduler will not be responsible for trading or adding ice times. All ice must be utilized as is unless the process in the Manager Handbook is followed with respect to trading with, or donating to, other teams.
  • This must be done at least 48 hours in advance of scheduled ice time.
  • If the process is not followed and ice time goes unused, teams will be fined $300. Ice is at a premium. Please be considerate of ice needs and do not put the Board in a position to assess any fines for lack of ice usage. 
  • Team Managers, Scrimmage Coordinators and Coaches should be familiar with the SE process to trade or donate ice time.
  • If a team’s scheduled ice time is not used because of problems with the arena, inclement weather or another unforeseen and unmanageable issue, please contact Avario. This must be done within 24 hours of the incident.  
  • If an arena is closed because of weather conditions, we will try and send an email out ASAP. 



1.GIVE YOUR ICE TO THE OTHER TEAM - Notify the other team and the arena manager via email asap (cc ice scheduler) and delete event from your calendar. The other team should update their own calendar to solo.

2.EXCHANGE FOR SOLO WITH TEAM ASSIGNED TO SHARED ICE - When you find an agreed upon date for a future solo, send an email to arena managers (cc the ice scheduler). Each team should update their calendars for both practices to either remove the event or change it to solo.

3.OFFER YOUR 1/2 OF SHARED ICE FOR TRADE - Add the event to the Group Me. If you reach an agreement with another team, notify the arenas by email and any include the other teams affected (cc ice scheduler).

Ideally shared ice is with a team at the same level or one above or below - ie Bantam & 15s or Peewee & Squirt, not squirts & bantams or 12s & Jr Gold

Levels are: Squirt-10U, Peewee-12U, Bantam-15U, Jr Gold


1.GIVE YOUR OR TRADE YOUR ICE WITH ANOTHER TEAM - Notify the other team and the arena manager via email asap (cc ice scheduler) and delete event from your calendar. Each team should update their individual calendars.

2.RETURN TO ICE SCHEDULING - This is only allowed with more than 7 days until the event. Returning ice is not a credit for additional ice.



Stephen Randall

Avario Ice Scheduler

Judd Stevens

Spartan Ice Coordinator


Angie Erickson

Spartan Ice Coordinator


Megan Stansberry

Warrior Ice Coordinator


Todd Moitz

Mite Ice Coordinator

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