Coaches Code of Conduct

Coach Code of Conduct

The Orono Youth Hockey Association has established a Code of Conduct that carries a significant message regarding the appropriate conduct of players in sports. Before taking part in our program, coaches are required to carefully read, comprehend, and sign this document. 

To participate during the 2023-2024 Orono Youth Hockey Association (“OYHA”) season, I,

_____________________________________________ agree to the following Code of Conduct:

I understand that:

1. It is a privilege, not a right, to coach youth hockey.

2. Sportsmanship and fair play are essential to the sport of hockey and are critical to my players’ development.

3. Adherence to all OYHA, District 3, Minnesota Hockey and USA Hockey rules and codes of conduct are critical

to my success.

4. Any coach who cannot abide by these rules or violates them will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the OYHA handbook.


1. I will respect and adhere to all rules and Code of Conduct of the OYHA, District 3, Minnesota Hockey and USA Hockey.

2. I will follow and adhere to Safe Sport rules and report any violations of Safe Sport and other OYHA policies to the OYHA Board.

3. I accept winning is a consideration, but not the only nor most important consideration.

4. I will always place the safety and well-being of the players as my first priority.

5. I will recognize each player as an individual with different abilities and treat each of those players as an

individual within the team structure.

6. I will design practice plans and use bench management during games that fosters an environment of

development for all players.

7. I will refrain from swearing or using abusive language on the bench, in the locker room, in the arena, and/or at any team function.

8. I will maintain an honest and open line of two-way communication with my players and parents.

9. I will not verbally, physically, or mentally abuse other players, coaches, team managers, officials or parents nor will I encourage or support others that engage in such behavior. I will report any inappropriate behavior to the OYHA Board.

10. I will treat all coaches, players, opponents, officials and fans with respect and represent OYHA in a positive manner at all games, practices and team events.

11. I will encourage good sportsmanship from other parents, coaches, officials and players by demonstrating good sportsmanship myself.

12. I will be a positive role model to my players and display emotional maturity.

13. I will be generous with praise when it is deserved and fair when discipline is required.

14. I will accept responsibilities for my actions and my players’ actions both on and off the ice.

15. If I am ever asked by an official, rink personnel or OYHA Board Member to leave an ice rink or I am given a misconduct penalty at any OYHA sanctioned event, I will self-report this incident to the OYHA board and the required District personnel within 24 hours of the event.

16. I will respect and adhere to OYHA’s Locke Room policy.

17. I will handle winning with class and losing with grace. I recognize the character I demonstrate directly influences the players I coach.

18. I will not be under the influence of alcohol, smoke, chew tobacco, vape or use marijuana or any other illegal substance while performing my responsibilities as a coach.


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