Waiver Policy

As you are aware, Minnesota Hockey has implemented a new Waiver Rule, which will be effective starting the 2024-25 season. The waiver process is a MN Hockey required process that is specific to skaters at any youth association level who do not live within the Orono School District boundaries and desire to register as a skater with the Orono Youth Hockey Association (OYHA). This rule, which can be found here, is crucial for us to understand and navigate.

OYHA would like to clarify key elements of this new process to ensure you are fully informed and prepared for the upcoming 2024-25 season.

  • All registered OYHA players who received a waiver exemption before the upcoming 2024-25 season are grandfathered in and remain eligible to play for OYHA.
  • Effective immediately, if a registered OYHA player on a waiver exemption elects to leave Orono public schools to attend another school outside the district or does not play for OYHA, the player will revert to the youth hockey association of their residence.
  • Example: If a player who lives in the Wayzata Public School District, but open enrolls in Orono Public Schools, elects to leave Orono for another school outside the district, this player will fall under the purview of the Wayzata Youth Hockey Association
  •  Under this scenario, if a previously OYHA registered player reverts to their youth hockey association of residence but wishes to continue playing with OYHA, the player may apply for a waiver exemption, but only before the beginning of their first year as a Squirt or 10U.
  • Important NotePer Minnesota Hockey's new waiver rule, Mite players ARE NOT ELIGIBLE to apply for Waivers permitting their release to another Association.
  • Example: If a Mite-aged player lives within the Wayzata School District, but open enrolls in Orono Public Schools, this player is expected to play within the Wayzata Youth Hockey Association and cannot apply for a waiver until his/her first year of Squirts or 1OU.
  • Possible OYHA Exemption: For all Mite-Aged players with siblings registered with OYHA, OYHA recommends following this Discretionary Waivers process described below.
  • For players impacted by the process described above, but wanting to play within OYHA, a conditional process of Discretionary Waivers may apply. This process is as follows:
  • The player must initiate contact with the Registrar from their Association of Residence and formally request a waiver releasing the player to OYHA

NOTE: OYHA has no control or influence over another Association's decision to sign a waiver permitting a player's release to OYHA

  • Once the Association of Residence signs the waiver form and permits their release, the signed form must be forwarded along with proof of enrollment at Orono Public Schools to registration@oronohockey.org.
  • Once the OYHA Registrar receives the signed waiver form, OYHA will confirm the player's release from their Association of Residence and conduct its due diligence, including verifying all paperwork and information, before forwarding it to District 3 Officials for approval.

Note: if all requirements are not satisfied and/or incorrect information is provided, OYHA will not seek District 3 approval. If it is found that a player is registered using a fraudulent address or fraudulent school enrollment, the player will not be allowed to play Orono Hockey and all ice fees and registration fees will be forfeited.

  •  OYHA reserves the right to evaluate this new process, and these recommendations may be subject to change after the 2024-25 season.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate the mechanics of this new rule.

For More Information on MN Hockey Website:

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