Competitive Edge


Hockey is generally under a large group format training paradigm. Private / small group lessons are relatively rare compared to other activities, sports, and school subjects that kids pursue. Examples include taking music lessons, getting tutored in a school subject, or taking private lessons in say baseball. And this is largely due to the large resource requirement to maintain the training venue (a refrigerated ice sheet). Competitive Edge is here to fill that void and provide high quality private lessons for individuals and small groups of hockey players.


  • Fees can be split among participants with groups ranging from one to four. This means if four skaters take a one-hour lesson together and are in the Package rate, each would pay $24.
  • Sessions can be of durations other than an hour (they can be as short as a half hour).


  • First time only trial session: $40 for an hour
  • Base Rate: Commit to less than 5 hours of lessons - $110 per hour
  • Package: Commit to 5+ hours of training lessons - $96 per hour


Email Andy to set up a trial or subsequent lessons.

Andy Blaylock

Competitive Edge


Competitive Edge Hockey has been serving the Twin Cities area of Minnesota for more than fifteen years doing both dedicated-facility and on-ice hockey skill development. Eventually it became obvious that we needed a dynamic and adaptable puckhandling training system that could be brought into and out from all the rinks to which a hockey skills coach travels.

That idea was the seed. However it has been heavily refined in prepration for seeing the light of day and it has evolved into The FÉNIX.

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